A Four Year Old's Depiction of Heaven & Hell

Often times we underestimated our children's Morality or Spirituality Quotient.  It is quite amazing how our creator puts that instinctive sense in us that we naturally seek out to Him; that is, unless we are instructed to do so otherwise.

G (then 4-years old) was playing alone upstairs in the game room one day.  While I was attending to some business downstairs, he asked me to go upstairs to see what he has done.  This is what I was looking at.
G explained to me what he and his brother, who had gone to school for the day, had built - Heaven and Hell.  Heaven, he explained, is on the right side of the train table.  Hell, separated by the train track, is on the left side.  Hell, according to him, has bad guys, garbage, broken things, and chaos.  (Don't ask me why that American flag is there...)
Hell is also the permanent prison for the bad guys.
Heaven, on the other hand, is neat, orderly, and has museums and tall skyscrapers that touch the sky.

A friend noticed the silver car on top of the bridge and asked me to ask the boys who is driving that car. I hadn't even noticed that little car until this friend pointed out, so I asked him.

G, then 4-year old, said that the people in the silver car is "us."  The bridge is leading (curves) toward Heaven. 

"But we have to be careful driving on that bridge or else we'll fall into Hell on our way to Heaven," he said.

How profound is that!!

The amazing thing to me was that we have never described Heaven or Hell to them in graphic details before.  All we've conjured up to them was a conceptual sense that Heaven is where you go afterlife if you are good, and Hell the opposite.  Interestingly, they were able to imagine Heaven and connected it with their favorite things (museums & skyscrapers) and favorable things (order & neatness).  Conversely, they identified Hell as what they deemed as bad (pirates, prisoners, mean people, garbage, reptile, chaos).  Coincidentally, the area in Heaven was smaller than Hell, indicating that Heaven is a place for few selected. 

I should also note that this was a display completely done on their own independently without any adult supervision or instruction. 

Four and five year olds - and they get God.

So it is written, "I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight." (Matthew 11:25-26)
