Little Entrepreneur Boss in Action

 A few weeks ago, G (10y6m) seized a business opportunity at school when he noticed a couple of swivel office chairs 💺💺 and yoga balls 🌐🌐 abandoned at one corner of his classroom, close to where he sits. 

The chairs and yoga balls have been there for the entire last semester but were never used or even moved. Teacher permission was granted to use them as he pleased. 

For the first few days, he sat on the swivel chair and the yoga ball himself. 

(It is such a special privilege because the chair‘s cushion is soft, the seat swivels, the height can be adjusted, and even the back leans down. Yoga ball is soft and bouncy, great for stretching. Rest of the student chairs are just, well, not. But of course, one must still adhere to classroom rules to not disturb others as the teacher still reserves the right to take away the chair if any violation is observed.)

Then he shared the swivel chairs and yoga balls with his 3 table mates. 

After a few days, requests from the rest of the class started coming in to borrow the chairs and the yoga balls.

He garnered his 3 table mates as his business partners and started renting the chairs and the yoga balls out to the rest of his classmates for classroom money (CRM). Each partner is assigned with certain tasks, such as marketing (asking around if anyone wants to rent it), wait-listing and accounting, treasurer (keeping the money safe) & taking orders.

Daily chair and yoga ball rental fee ranged from $1~$3 CRM. 

Fees are scaled based upon the distance from his table.  At first, the further away you sit from his table, the more is charged.

But then, Gabriel noticed a pattern: people who sat closer to his table were more likely to rent the chairs/balls because they would see more of the chairs/balls being used and thus were more likely to want those for themselves. 

As such, he began to charge more to those who sit closer to his table! 💰

If any of the partners wanted to sit on the swivel chairs or yoga balls, they would only need to pay "taxes," in weekly increment.

Fees are collected in a safe, income recorded in a document, funds are split 4-ways at the end of each week. 

Thursday, he revealed he has earned $66 CRM up-to-date and was hoping to spend some of that money tomorrow at the "Pulga," their monthly flea market where students can sell/buy second-hand toys or crafts with CRM. 

Friday afternoon, Gabriel came back home and gifted me and his little brother what he bought with his hard-earned-CRM:

 A Hello Kitty Mermaid! (As pictured)

❤Feeling so touched, I aptly named her, Katfish. 🐱🐡

***Business Update***

⭐Chairs & balls are rented out every single school day. 

⭐Teacher is happy to not having to deal with students fighting over who gets to sit in the chair/ball and is willing to let this operation continue!

⭐Customers are wait-listed until a week out!

⭐Gabriel‘s already thinking about add-ons for his chair rental now!





幾個禮拜前, G (10歲6個月) 在他學校逮到個生意機會 - 他發現教室角落有老師放在最靠近他位置那的兩把旋轉辦公椅💺💺和兩顆瑜伽球🌐🌐。椅子和瑜伽球已經放在那角落一整個學期了卻從來沒有人動過或坐過。與老師商量之後,老師准許他要怎麼用就怎麼用。


(是個很特殊的待遇: 旋轉椅椅墊是軟的,坐位能轉,也可以調高度,更可以往後頃斜。瑜伽球坐起來軟軟的有彈性,可以伸展筋骨。其他小朋友只有規規矩矩直挺挺硬梆梆的椅子。但當然還是要遵循教室規矩,不能胡來干擾別人,不然老師還是有權力沒收。) 



他跟他同桌的3位同學商量後成為生意夥伴,開始把旋轉椅和瑜伽球出租,收班錢。每人都有編排職位:營銷(到處詢問誰想租坐), 等待名單和會計, 財務主管(保證錢安全), 並接受訂單。

每日椅子瑜伽球租賃費從 $1到$3 CRM 不等。



後來發現坐離比較近的同學比較會來找上門 - 因為比較看得到別人坐旋轉椅和瑜伽球,就比較會想要坐。




星期四晚上 Gabriel 告訴我他到現在為止已經賺了 $66 CRM,而他想在明天的跳蚤市場看看有什麼好買的。(四五年級有一個月一次的跳蚤市場,小朋友會拍賣二手玩具或手工藝品,以班錢CRM來成交。)

星期五回家後Gabriel送我和弟弟一個他用他自己賺到班錢買的Hello Kitty美人魚!(如圖)

好感動!❤ 我命她名為,貓魚。🐱🐡



⭐老師樂的讓他們管理安排椅子/球, 省得小朋友整天煩他搶椅子!


⭐Gabriel 已經開始在想發行週邊商品了!





